the Ways.

Finding your books unique voice

Your book is unique. It's your voice. My job is to hear that voice and create a vision for how the world will experience that distinctive voice. I start that process by listening to your ideas, reading your manuscript and taking the time to research and develop the right approach to your book. I get very involved in exploring the many ways that your book's voice can be visually represented.


to Print

And beyond

Taking your project from start to finish is what I do best. I like to be involved in all aspects of making your book a reality and getting it in the hand of your audience. Over the years I've worked on literally thousands of book covers and interiors. Exploring the many options you have in regard to book formats, binding, specialty printing, Print on Demand, e-books and book marketing is all part of the journey we'll be taking together as we create your book.



Indie Authors Served


Publishers Served


Book Covers Designed


Book Interiors Designed

What I Can
Do For You

Concept to Print and more

I'd love to hear about your project and see where I could best fit in. Aside from being excited to design your book's cover and interior pages, I'm also adept at helping you find a printer, discuss Print on Demand options and converting your book into an e-book format for any device/reader. If you are curious about taking your book further and need a trailer, website or perhaps a publishing logo/brand, I'd love to be involved in that process as well.


Book Covers

My main focus is on book cover design. We'll discuss what your book is about. I'll dive into your manuscript and get to the heart of the message. I'll give you a great selection of ideas to choose from and then we can home in on the winner and get started on the interiors. Taking your book from concept to print is a great and rewarding process.

Book Interiors

Equally, if not arguably more important, is your books interior pages. Weather you are looking to have me design a text-driven book, a cookbook, photography book, or a layout with many moving parts (images, charts, graphs etc), I'm always excited to help structure it in the most pleasing way possible.

And Beyond…

Sometimes getting your book from concept to print is just on apart of the equation. E-books, publishing logos, marketing, branding, book trailers and even websites—there are so many ways to give your book the support it needs to succeed and be seen. Lets discuss the many ways we can make that happen.

Say what?

Oh my! Why thank you!

“ I honestly couldn’t imagine a better cover. I get people telling how much they love the cover on a regular basis. ”
—S.C. Barrus

“ The cover and layout are so professionally done and compelling. The whole design speaks to a high level of quality and style and I think that has a huge impact on book sales. ”
— Cynthia Morris 


The art of great book design

The following are recent projects I'm particularly fond of. I also operate a full-time company called theBookDesigners where you can see many more examples of my work.

Like what you see?

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